Realm of the Damned:

The hero  who is on the verge of corruption has decided to set off on a quest to find out what has gone wrong within the gateway between two worlds. Fate is a spirit who's eyes have changed to purple as they've began heading towards a corrupted path. However, Fate plans on undergoing a task that no spirit has yet gone on, and that journey will allow Fate to discover who they truly are and why they're stuck within the world of the damned.


Collect all three keys that are scattered across the level. You must also remember to check every corner of the map, as some areas maybe awaiting to be unlocked. Once you have collected all three keys then you are able to move on from the level through the door that was locked behind the gate, this will lead you to the credits.


Whilst playing Realm of the Damned, I strongly suggest you go through it carefully as if you die to an enemy, you'll have to restart the entire level. If at any chance you feel that you can no longer play due to stress, I strongly suggest you take a five/ten minute break then come back to it.


Start - Begins  Game
Left Analog  Stick - Movement
A - Jump
X - Shoot

A - Left
D - Right
W - Jump
S  - Shoot